Featured Speakers

The content we create has gone on to help our clients build one of a kind marketing campaigns, earn residuals from distributing speech music, stand out from the pack of other speakers, and book more speaking engagements. Below are a few examples..

Motivator Music

Collaboration Album – Upbeat & Cinematic Music

Motivator Music was started with an international collaboration. Here are a few of the tracks that led us to where we are today.

Tunnel Vision
Greatness Within
Worship Your Craft

William King Hollis

You Ready – Cinematic Single

Hollis has used his music to capitalize on the current state of the streaming. He has amassed over 600,000 streams and land all while growing his digital footprint. He is consistently booked all across the world largely in part to his speech music.

Contact: whspeaks@gmail.com

Dan Waldschmidt

Work – Upbeat speech track

Dan Waldschmidt is an international business strategist, speaker, author, and extreme athlete. He created an upbeat speech track that landed him distribution with the Peptalk Motivation app.

Contact: dan@edgy.biz

Demarjay Smith

We Will Win – Cinematic Single

Demarjay Smith is a Nike athlete and motivational speaker that went viral with a speech when he was about 7 years old. Since then we has been on many television shows and given speeches at some top tier venues. We created his first ever speaking album.

Contact: demarjaysmith@gmail.com

Jonathan Kegler

The Grind is Real – Cinematic Single

As a coach, consultant and mentor he incorporates his content in unique ways to connect with his students and clients. Kegler has collaborated with many of the top names in motivation including Eric Thomas.

Contact: coachkegler@yahoo.com

Which track is your favorite!?


  • courtney mercado
    May 29, 2020

    My favorite track is Legend. It just calls to me. You have produced excellent motivational music. Another great job, and I cant wait till next week. Thank you for taking the time to create this music. It pumps me up.

  • Tom
    May 29, 2020


    I like the Champion piece of music. It’s really motivating and I can see myself talking over that music without the lyrics in. I do motivational talks and audios and I think that piece of music in Champion is really good.

    Well done and keep them coming.

    All the best,


  • terryannec
    May 29, 2020

    I can’t help but believe Demarjay was born with an innate ability to speak out. He has been here before (past life).
    Really really good! I have to say I like his audio the best.

  • Trinity G.
    May 30, 2020

    I love that you write a description of the people you use to create the music and now I know about the people. I love the Demarjay Smith one. I have watched some of his youtube videos and has been so amazed by his words and the motivational music you put out about him is great and I will definitely be listening to this music during my warmup before my game.

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